Welcoming word
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the National Center for Human Resources Development (NCHRD) website.
Jordan has par excellence accomplished a variety of achievements such as human development-oriented projects. Since its establishment, the NCHRD has contributed mainly to qualitative programs, development policy process, studies, education-oriented indicators, vocational and technical training addressing Jordanians’ competitive capacity along with improving the quality of education and training systems in various areas drawing on the National Strategy for Human Resource Development (2016-2025) and on supply-demand gap analysis for high-priority development sectors and job-market studies.

President, NCHRD
Prof. Abdallah Yousef Ababneh
On the regional level, the NCHRD has been the spring of necessary expertise because of which it was approved by UNESCO in 2012 as a regional center for educational leadership preparation in the area of planning and education management. It has been entrusted as headquarter for the scientific association of human resource development centers in the Arab world and the association secretariat as approved by the Arab Scientific Research Councils (League of Arab States). Furthermore, the NCHRD conducted studies, organized training courses, carried out projects, and provided consultancy services in human development.
The NCHRD has successfully accomplished great many achievements- some of which are: Human Resource Development Strategy endorsed by the Council of Ministers in 1998, contribution to the preparation of the National Strategy for Human Resource Development (2016-2025) and Jordan Vision 2025. The NCHRD has furthermore designed and managed a human resources information system; it places more emphasis on education, employment, and vocational training in national agendas. By the same token, it has introduced the Arab standard classification of occupations, conducted several studies on monitoring and evaluation of education sector plans and monitoring of evaluation of Jordanian students, progress according to national and international studies such as: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), Program for Student Assessment (PISA) and National Assessment For Knowledge Economy (NAFKE).
According to those numerous accomplishments along with the significant expertise, the NCHRD has built a prestigious (not to say national, regional and international) reputation. It plays a very important role in supporting the national efforts that address human resources development. Those successes are guided by the continuous directions of His Royal Highness Prince AL-Hassan bin Talal, Chairman of the Higher Council for Science and Technology. His Royal Highness Prince Al-Hassan believes that human resources development is not only an economic necessity but a social and human obligation as well. It, above all, embodies the vision of His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein: “Jordan’s most important strength is its high-skill human capital”.