The National Center for Human Resources Development was established in 1990 under the name of "The National Center for Educational Research and Development" affiliated to the Higher Council for Science and Technology in accordance with article No.11 of the law of the Higher Council No. (30) for 1987.
For nearly twenty three years, NCHRD has served Jordanian citizens through its vital role in capacity building and institionalization of education development initiatives, starting with the First Educational Development Plan, launched in 1988. Following its completion, NCHRD expanded its role in the second planning cycle, to respond to a more comprehensive framework of human resources development; linking investment in training, education, and qualifications to labor market needs.
At the same time, NCHRD has a long record of collaboration with regional and international institutions, through its outreach projects, programs, research studies, training workshops, and consultancies. It was recognized by UNESCO in 2012, as a regional center for developing educational leadership in planning and educational management. And by the League of Arab States, as a hub, for centers engaged in human development research in the Arab region.
With this background, the Higher Council for Science and Technology renamed the National Center for Educational Research and Development, to become the National Center for Human Resources Development, in 1995, and NCHRD’s by-laws were endorsed in 1998.
Today NCHRD is proud to be considered a center of excellence, in the region and beyond. There is ongoing and close collaboration in the cross-cutting fields of HRD and education, with many organizations in the regional and worldwide, such as the Arab Labor Organization, Arab Center for Human Resources Development, UNESCO, UNICEF, ETF, as well as UNEVOC.